Learn Project Management With KickStart.

Building a website or mobile app is now commonplace for businesses, as customers depend on digital platforms to work, study, play and communicate. Managing a software development project as well as addressing any crises that arise requires thorough observation and fast-paced initiative from project managers - something we deeply understand here at KickStart.

Which is why our 6 month project management course covers all the basics you need to know, as well as doing exercises that mimic real-life challenges for further skill building.

Learn the Ins & Outs of Project Management

As software and application development skyrockets at both an agency and proprietary level, so does the demand for project managers and project coordinators. Learning the basics plus popular project management methodologies such as Agile can give prospective project managers the leverage they need to make themselves more marketable, or improve productivity in existing roles.

Program objectives

This course delivers foundational project management skills as well as practical exercises to hone soft skills centred around problem-solving, communication and time management. Suitable for complete beginners and working professionals alike, topics covered include:

  • Defining project roles and responsibilities,
  • Project monitoring and stakeholder reporting,
  • Different project management methodologies, such as Agile and Scrum,
  • Practical exercises to assess skills and solve true-to-life problems.

Final Output

This 6 month Project Management course from KickStart aims to equip complete beginners as well as those who already have some experience in project management with the skills they need to face future projects with confidence.

Articulating complex problems effectively through documentation, discussing problems with team members from a solution-oriented perspective, and tackling any unforeseen complications within a quick turnaround time are some out of many program objectives we aim to attain through this course.

All course material has been developed with real-life situations in mind, so students gain exposure to tasks and problems that they may face in their future careers as project managers or project assistants in the IT industry.

How to Apply

Please click on Apply Now to register for this 6 month KickStart course, as well as receive additional course information, fee structures and schedules.


KickStart Program Contents